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SFB 1403 internal information

SFB 1403 members can find Information about the central projects here:
Central Projects
CP02 - Genetically engineered Mouse lines Repository: List of available mice
CP03 - Cell Death Assessment Unit: IncuCyte® Information, PAM Chloropyhll Fluorescence Imager Information, Histology Platform

Cell Death-RTG Information:
PhD student documents
Basic Cell Death Lecture: presentations

Help Desk:
Employment of Student Assistants
Work Travels
Logos of the SFB 1403

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Please log in below with your university of Cologne account and password to get access to the internal information.

If you don't have a university account, please visit this sciebo folder. You can get the password from the SFB 1403 office.


Bitte geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein, um sich an der Website anzumelden.
