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Internal Cologne Cell Death Club Seminar Series

The monthly Internal Cologne-Cell-Death-Club Seminar Series provides a platform for excellent Research in the field of Cell death. Within the iCCDC Labs from Cologne will present their Research on Cell Death, independent of the SFB 1403 projects. It is open to all SFB 1403 members and all local group members who are interested in Cell-death research.

The internal Cologne Cell Death Club is taking place online via zoom. The Seminars are announced to the SFB 1403 and associated groups who are part of the iCCDC. If you are interested to join the iCCDC members please contact the SFB 1403 office.

Next Talk

06.03.2025 at 1:00 pm:
Dinah Lange - Rybniker Lab: "Signaling Cascades and Cell Death Mechanisms of Dendritic Cells Induced by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis"


Upcoming Talks 2025

03.04.2025 at 1:00 pm: 
Emilia Kieckhöfer - Nephrolab: "tba"

08.05.2025 at 1:00 pm: 
Louise Injarabien - Eming Lab: "tba"

05.06.2025 at 01:00 pm:
Jennifer Wuerth - Schmidt Lab: "tba"

26.06.2025 at 1:00 pm: 
- Oda Lab: "tba"

04.09.2025 at 1:00 pm: 
- Lab: "tba"

02.10.2025 at 01:00 pm:
Nina Solia - Döhlemann Lab: "tba

30.10.2025 at 1:00 pm: 
Cassandra Harapas - Latz Lab: "tba"

27.11.2025 at 01:00 pm:
Ina Lisewski - Annibaldi Lab: "tba"

Previous Seminars 2025

06.02.2025 at 1:00 pm:
Henriette Läßle - Parker Lab: “Comparative Insights into Conserved TIR-only Proteins in Plant Immunity”

09.01.2025 at 2:15 pm:
Florian Kümmel - Schulze-Lefert lab: "Reconstitution of plant NLR immune receptor-mediated cell death in animal cells"

Previous Seminars