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Cologne Cell Death Club

The monthly seminar series “Cologne-Cell-Death-Club” provides a platform for excellent Research in the field of Cell death. The Cologne-Cell-Death-Club is open to all SFB 1403 members and everyone who is interested in Cell-death research!

The Seminars are announced via the local mailing lists (lifescience calendar, Molecular Bioscience, CECAD Calendar) where you can obtain information about the venue.

Next Talk

12.09.2024 at 1:15 pm
Mads Gyrd-Hansen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Seminar: Tba
Place: CECAD Lecture Hall, Information send via the Seminar Mailinglists

Upcoming Talks 2024

16.09.2024 at 1:00 pm
Martin Stegmann
University Ulm

Seminar: Regulation of plant ummunity by endogenenous peptides.
Place: tba

07.10.2024 at 1:15 pm
Hiroyasu Nakano
Toho University, Tokio

Seminar: Live Cell Imaging of Necroptosis and the Release of DAMPs in Vitro and in Vivo.
Place: CECAD Lecture Hall, Information send via the Seminar Mailinglists

14.11.2024 at 1:15 pm
Markus Morrison
University of Stuttgart

Seminar: Tba
Place: CECAD Lecture Hall, Information send via the Seminar Mailinglists

12.12.2024 at 1:15 pm

Seminar: Tba
Place: CECAD Lecture Hall, Hybrid, Information send via the Seminar Mailinglists

Previous Seminars