Research Projects of CRC1403
The individual projects are grouped into two research areas focusing on, (A) cell death in
inflammation and disease, and (B) cell death mechanisms in host defence. The projects
in the two research areas share a common focus on the mechanisms regulating and sensing cell
death and the functional implications of different types of RCD at the tissue and organismal level.
Therefore, the two research areas will be connected by multiple points of interaction related to the
induction, execution and sensing of RCD, as well as the local and systemic effects of cell death.
Research Area A: Cell death in inflammation and disease
A01 - Mechanisms of cell death-induced inflammation
A02 - Cross-talk between dying and bystander cells in vitro and in vivo: an optogenetics approach
A03 - The role of metalloprotease activity in necroptosis driven inflammation
A04 - Molecular pathways of gasdermin pore formation and repair
A05 - Inflammatory signalling in ferroptotic cell death
A06 - The role of mitochondria for cellular protection against ferroptosis
A07 - Control of macrophage cell death in skin homeostasis and repair
A09 - Regulated cell death and kidney fibrosis as a consequence of mutation of cilia-associated genes
A11 - NLRP10 inflammasome mediated anti-inflammatory cell death
A12 - The role of a new E3 ligase in regulating cell death and inflammation in immune signaling
A13 - Contribution of microglia cell death to tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease and other tauopathies
A14 - Immunological dissection of cell death-induced inflammation in human disease
Research Area B: Cell death mechanisms in host defence
B01 - Role of apoptotic caspases in macrophage-mediated anti-bacterial immunity
B03 - Cell death regulation and function in plant-fungal symbiosis
B06 - The evolution of regulated necrotic cell death
B08 - Connecting plant TIR-domain NLR receptors to host cell death and pathogen resistance
B09 - Immune-related cell death pathways as targets of fungal virulence strategies
Central Projects
CP01 - Central Tasks
CP03 - Cell Death Assessment Unit
CP04 - Proteomic dissection of cell death-mediated protein release and proteolysis
INF - Research data management, analysis and bioinformatics support
IRTG - Integrated Research Training Group (“Cell-Death-RTG”)
Ended Projects 2020 - 2023
A08 - Ferroptosis and regulated cell death in sulphite oxidase deficiency