A14 - Immunological dissection of cell death-induced inflammation in human disease

Hirotsugu Oda
CECAD, University of Cologne
Contact: hoda(at)uni-koeln.de
For more information please visit: Oda Lab
This project is funded within the 2nd funding period of the SFB 1403, starting from 2024
Systemic Autoinflammatory Diseases (SAIDs) are a group of human disorders characterized by genetic hyperactivation of innate immunity, resulting in intractable inflammatory manifestations such as prolonged fever, rash, arthritis and colitis. Currently the clinical outcome of SAIDs is still discouraging, and there is an urgent need to discover new molecular targeted therapies. We will use a transdisciplinary approach by combining our experiences in clinical medicine, human genetics, bioinformatics and molecular immunology, to elucidate the contribution of cell death dysregulations as an important underlying pathomechanism of human SAIDs.
Recent Publications
Oda H, Manthiram K, Chavan PP, Rieser E, Veli Ö, Kaya Ö, Rauch C, Nakabo S, Kuehn HS, Swart M, Wang Y, Çelik NI, Molitor A, Ziaee V, Movahedi N, Shahrooei M, Biallelic human SHARPIN loss of function induces autoinflammation and immunodeficiency. Nat Immunol. 2024 Apr 12. doi: 10.1038/s41590-024-01817-w. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38609546.