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B02 - Cell death signalling peptides in maize immunity – Molecular mechanisms of signal generation, transduction and perception

Gunther Döhlemann

Department of Botany, CEPLAS, University of Cologne
Contact: g.doehlemann(at)uni-koeln.de
For more information visit: Döhlemann lab

Johana Misas Villamil

Department of Botany, CEPLAS, University of Cologne
Contact: jmisas(at)uni-koeln.de
For more information visit: Döhlemann lab


Regulated cell death (RCD) plays a major role in determining the outcome of plant-microbe interactions. Initiation and execution of RCD often involves proteolytic activity, however little is known about the signals that activate plant cell death proteases, the cleavage or processing of their substrates during RCD, the immune signals released by dying cells, the response by surrounding cells, and the contribution of proteases to the specificity and execution of different plant cell death pathways. This project aims to gain mechanistic insight into the functions of newly identified RCD components as well as the role of cysteine proteases and the signalling peptides release during RCD in plant-pathogen interactions.

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Project B02 Publications 1st Funding Period 2020 - 2023

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Project B02 First funding period 2020 - 2023