Gender equality and family-friendly policies
The promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities is a topic of utmost importance for the University of Cologne and receives very high priority within this SFB 1403 initiative. We intend to reach gender equality for positions that will be staffed within this initiative.
The promotion of gender equality, equal employment opportunities and a family-friendly work environment are an essential component of the mission statement of the UoC and are institutionalised with the duties of the Vice-Rector for Academic Staff, Early Career Researchers, Gender Equality and Diversity.
For more information please contact the Gender Board or the SFB 1403 Office.
Gender Board

Nieves Peltzer
Institute of Biomedical Genetocs, University of Stuttgart
Contact: m.peltzer(at)
For more information visit: Peltzer lab and Project A10

Gunther Döhlemann
Department of Botany, CEPLAS, University of Cologne
Contact: g.doehlemann(at)
For more information visit: Döhlemann lab and Project B02

Christina Ising
CECAD, University of Cologne
Contact: cising2(at)
For more information visit: Ising Lab

Isabel Saur
University of Cologne, Institute for Plant Sciences
Contact: isabel.saur(at)
For more information visit: Saur Lab