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A08 - Ferroptosis and regulated cell death in sulphite oxidase deficiency

Günter Schwarz

Department of Biochemistry, University of Cologne
Contact: gschwarz(at)uni-koeln.de
For more information visit: Schwarz Lab

This project was funded within the SFB 1403 from 2020 - 2023


Sulphite oxidase deficiency (SOXD) and molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MoCD) are autosomal recessive inborn errors of metabolism characterised by neurodegeneration and death in early childhood. The underlying molecular mechanisms leading to neuronal cell death and tissue degeneration are poorly understood. This project will investigate the role of ferroptosis and other pathways of regulated cell death (RCD) in the pathogenesis of SOXD, and address the underlying mechanisms using disease models for the patient phenotype aiming to develop treatments that target cell death pathways in both disorders.

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Project A08 Publications 1st Funding Period 2020 - 2023

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