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Cell Death Lecture Series

The Basics in Cell Death Lecture Series is about general topics, combining the animal and the plant site of a particular cell death topic and it takes place every last Friday per month at 12:30 pm. The Lecture takes place in CECAD as online event. You can find the Zoom link in the internal section 

You can find the presentations of the Lectures in our Sciebo Folder, for more information please go to the internal section.


 DateTimeTopicsLecturers – 14:00RCD pathways in animals and plantsManolis Pasparakis & 
Gunther Döhlemann – 14:00Proteases in RCD in animals and plantsJohana Statdel & 
Melanie Fritsch – 14:00Advances in genetic engineering in model organisms (mice and plants)Simon Tröder (TCU) & Anthony Piro – 14:00Structural, bioinformatic and evolu-tionary analysis of RCDKay Hofmann &
Takaki Maekawa – 14:00Recent developments in RCD in host-microbe interactions in plants and animalsJan Rybniker &
Alga Zuccaro - 14:00Advanced microscopy and proteomic based analysis of RCDUris Ros &
Pitter Huesgen - 14:00Recent advances on NLR regulation and function in animals and plantsEicke Latz &
Federica Locci - 14:00Cross-talk between dying and bystan-der cells: state of the art on methodo-logies, biology and current challengesVeit Hornung &
Felix Meissner